Overseas Students

Somerset College is currently reviewing International Student intakes; as such, the College is not accepting new International Student applications. 

Eligibility to Enrol

Overseas students attending Somerset College must live in Australia with their parent throughout the course of their study, because Somerset College does not have residential accommodation and does not provide Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare for overseas students. If accommodation arrangements change during the course of study so that the overseas student does not live in Australia with their parent, the student’s enrolment will be suspended, deferred, or cancelled.

Education Agents

Education Agents are not engaged to formally represent Somerset College. Somerset College responds to all enrolment enquiries and to applications for enrolment according to established procedures. Individuals making enrolment enquiries or assisting in any way with enrolment applications are not remunerated for doing so. If the Somerset policy with regard to use of Education Agents changes in the future, Somerset is aware of its obligations under Standard 4 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, and will at that time implement appropriate policies, procedures and agreements as required under the National Code.

Academic and English Language Requirements

Before commencing their studies in an Australian school, most overseas students (and, in some cases, other students who are from non-English speaking backgrounds) must be able to demonstrate an English proficiency acceptable to Somerset College.

Somerset College requires evidence of English language proficiency as part of the enrolment process for all overseas students who have not been studying in an Australian school for a minimum of 12 months. Somerset College may also request further English testing to ascertain if a student’s level of English is of a proficient level to enter mainstream classes at the College. These tests are conducted by the EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect) department and based on the National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia (NLLIA) Bandscales. Please see below the NLLIA Bandscales to IELTS result conversion table implemented at Somerset College.

Applicants are required to submit their two latest school reports with the Application for Admission.

Years 1 to 6
Years 7 to 9
Years 10 to 12

Students that meet the required NLLIA Bandscale for their grade will enter mainstream classes and continue to be supported through their studies. This is a small group/individual program that aims to further develop students English language acquisition whilst tracking and monitoring students’ progress across all areas of language (reading, speaking, listening and writing).

Overseas Student Policies