Somerset’s first Entrepreneurship Club meeting was held this week in the E-Hub (Smith 2.4). Blue Lens Consulting were in attendance and shared some fantastic insights into the practicalities of starting your own business.

We learned from the College’s resident entrepreneurs, including Montana McFarlane, Lilly Thompson and Katisha Webb about their School Run business which is about to launch to the Somerset community.

The key lessons from the session included:

  • It is important when brainstorming solutions to problems in our community that entrepreneurs do not focus on the negatives. Brainstorming requires entrepreneurs to dream about what might be possible to solve a problem.
  • Entrepreneurs must not be afraid to ‘pivot’ their idea. Many entrepreneurs get stuck on their original idea and are not willing to ‘pivot’ when something isn’t working.
  • Drive through coffee was not part of Gloria Jeans product strategy until Zaraffa’s incorporated this simple innovation into several of their Gold Coast coffee shops.

All students in Years 7 to 12 are encouraged to attend these free sessions every Monday afternoon from 3:30 to 5.00pm in Smith 2.4. The sessions aim to provide mentoring to students who want to turn an idea into a commercial reality. Having said this, students do not need to come to Entrepreneurship Club sessions with a business idea. We will also help students develop their own business ideas by working through a process of identifying problems in need of entrepreneurial and innovative solutions.

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