As part of the College's eSmart programme, Year 7 students had a presentation this week that looked at some of the messages from Randi Zuckerberg's book Dot Uncomplicated. Subtitled, How to Make it Through Life Online in One Piece, her book looks at some simple messages that are relevant for any age.

One of Zuckerberg's main messages is to have an authentic identity online and to reject anonymity online. She counsels that we need to consider that as we speak as ourselves online, we have to be mindful that our voices can carry further and have greater authority or influence, so this means we have a greater responsibility to be mindful of what we say online.

Another very relevant message, is that we are the both the artists and the curators of our online selves. We need to consider our digital footprint and that our values are consistent with both our online and offline selves.

In many ways, the same messages of respect for the sports field, equally apply in the digital arena and our students were reminded of some of these messages. To Know the Code and behave with integrity, respect and responsibility. Many of the messages around sport and no abuse tolerated, respect all participants, conduct yourself courteously and treat everyone fairly are the same messages that we discuss with our students in regards to all aspects of their lives, both offline and online.

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