The Somerset Swimming Academy is proud to announce some new programmes to start at the pool. These are two new and exciting programmes which will begin running on Monday 25 February being Deep Water Running and Aqua classes

These classes have a host of great benefits including:

  • No co-ordination needed!
  • Suited to all fitness and age levels.
  • Fabulous friendly atmosphere ensuring you are having optimum fun whilst getting fitter.
  • Conditioning targeting your core muscles.
  • Burn Calories – upwards of 500 calories per class, double the amount of calories you would burn running on dry land for 30 minutes.
  • All equipment provided but feel free to bring your own DWR belt.

There is a free introductory week beginning Monday 25 February and we would love to have you come and try our new classes for FREE!

The weekly schedule of classes will be:Monday 25 February 8.30am to 9.15am DWRMonday 25 February - 9.30am to 10.15am Aqua *Active and Healthy ClassMonday 25 February - 6.00pm to 6.45pm AquaWednesday 27 February - 7.00am to 7.45am DWRWednesday 25 February - 8.30am to 9.15am AquaFriday 25 February - 8.30am to 9.15am AquaFriday 25 February - 9.30am to 10.15am DWR *Active and Healthy Class

For more information, please call Michelle on 0410 656 197.

Happy Swimming!

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