Women of Valour Workshops

"Women of Valour was an incredible experience the college implemented this year, between Year 7 and Year 11 students. The program consisted of five rotations of valuable lessons.

Friendship, where the girls made friendship bracelets, mentors, where they discussed who their mentors are (to which many said Taylor Swift), social media and the harm of unhealthy comparison, movement, an opportunity to get out of the classroom, and finally the importance of resilience. I believe the year 7 girls left this experience knowing how, in the words of Michelle Obama, 'There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.'"

~ Ayla Chirathivat Geralds (Year 11, Andrews)

"Over the last few weeks, a group of Year 11s took the initiative to mentor the Year 7s Women of Valour workshops. We led workshops on the topics of friendship, the role of mentors, social media, movement, as well as failure and perseverance during PC. We demonstrated leadership, with full control over how we wanted to direct these workshops. Furthermore, we all made sure to reflect after each workshop to improve and further enhance the workshop experience to ensure the Year 7 students were able to make the most out of each session. It was great to chat and build relationships with the Year 7s. I’m sure it was also fun for those who got to speak to us as we had been in their shoes just a few years ago. I know the Year 11s definitely enjoyed working with the younger year. Thank you to all the teachers and staff that were able to make this opportunity happen for both the Year 7 and Year 11."

~ Jolina Zhang (Year 11, Starkey)

Men of Honour Workshops

"The Men of Honour workshops that took place in Term Three provided Year 7 boys with significant learning opportunities that they can hopefully take with them into later life.

Workshops were rotated across a five-week period, giving all boys a chance to experience each uniquely designed workshop. The five workshops included exercise/boxing, boy vs man, relationships, online presence, and nutrition/smoothies. These workshops all focused on different notions of what it means to be an honourable human being. 

I believe that Year 7 students were able to reflect upon themselves and think about what they can do to become more honourable individuals through the open conversations and advice from mentors and Year 11 leaders."

~ Jamison Webber (Year 11, Veivers)

"During the Men of Honour program, I felt like I was truly able to connect to the Year 7s, even while giving them life advice. It was interesting to see what younger kids do nowadays compared to when I was in Year 7, and I believe it's important for us as a year to keep in close contact with them. Not just to act as a role model, but to gain a more wholesome perspective on youth today. I'd recommend this program to any of my peers."

~ John Oluteye (Year 11, Veivers)

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