Embracing the Learner Profile, Caring.

Prep and Year 6 students teamed up for a tree-planting adventure by Wynagan Creek, nurturing our environment and igniting conversations about responsibility.

“We're helping the planet,” said one enthusiastic Prep student.

The tree planting was in support of ongoing restoration works of the Wyangan Creek, removing invasive weed species and returning native vegetation to support the Creek’s health.

Our Sustainable Spartans and Year 6 leaders assisted and led our Prep students in planting 250 trees.

A hands-on learning experience offered students practical experience in nature, as well as an appreciation of sustainable environmental practices.

One Year 6 student explained how the Prep student he was helping would be able to return when he was his age, to see how the tree had grown!

Enjoyed having the young ones involved this time.

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