The Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers (QAMT) University of Queensland (UQ) Year 7 and 8 Mathematics Quiz is an opportunity for students in Years 7 and 8 to compete in a series of Mathematical quiz rounds across Queensland.

Congratulations to the following Year 7 and 8 students who competed in the Round 1 of the Quiz.

Year 8

  • Inca Burdett
  • Angus Fraser
  • Elijah Hadikusumo
  • Fenix Huang
  • Sam Jones
  • Harrison Kerr
  • Jay Lee
  • Paris Liu
  • Louie Shi
  • Angela Sun
  • Jessica Wang
  • Evie Wilson
  • Maggie Yang
  • Wendy Yang

Year 7

  • Cathy Tong
  • Angela Liu
  • Miranda Shum
  • Emma Zhu
  • Oscar Wen
  • Lunabelle Li

The Round 1 Winning team was Arjun Rai, Ethan Hu and Jamie Lewis (Year 7) and the runners up were Rinzenn Bansal, Isabel Bantick and Evan Li (Year 7).

Round 2 was hosted by Somerset in Week Two, Term Four and the result would determine the top team in Southeast Queensland. The top two teams from Round 1 competed and the competition was fierce. There were the usual five rounds; Estimation, Speed, Problem Solving, Individual Questions and General Knowledge. It was wonderful to see the students laughing, smiling and enjoying themselves, whilst at the same time completing some rather challenging and creative maths.

A special thank you to Mrs Bronwyn Wright, co-ordinator of the Somerset Mathematical Society, for her outstanding organisation and expert coaching.

Congratulations to the winning team of Arjun Rai, Ethan Hu and Jamie Lewis. 

We are looking forward to following their progress in the state finals on 31 October.

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