Last weekend Somerset students participated in the annual Senior Schools Cup Volleyball tournament. More than 300 teams from schools all over the state came to the Gold Coast during the three-day tournament. 

The Senior Girls finished seventh in their division with amazing improvement shown by all players during the tournament. The Senior Boys made it to the bronze medal match, narrowly missing third place in a close three-set match. 

A huge thank you to Ms Candice McKenna and Mr Dane Robinson for supporting both teams and giving us the opportunity to play against other teams across the state. 

Team captains share their thoughts on the experience: 

Over the weekend, our team had an unforgettable experience participating at the QLD Senior Schools Cup Volleyball tournament. Despite placing 7th, I believe I can speak on behalf of the team when I say that throughout the weekend, we took away many invaluable memories and lessons that transcend mere scores and standings.  

Our team displayed exceptional unity and unwavering support for one another, celebrating the small victories and lifting each other up in moments of challenge. Cheering for each other during every skillful play, whether it be executing a great serve or delivering a perfect pass. Equally as important, we maintained our support and encouragement even after losing a point. Our strong camaraderie and enthusiasm fueled our positive team spirit and motivation, reinforcing the idea that a united team is far more formidable than individual talent alone.  

We would also like to extend our heartful gratitude to our amazing coaches, Issy and Paris. Your dedication, guidance, and support have certainly not gone unnoticed and have been instrumental in the team's development. As we move forward, your impact will continue to resonate with us as we strive to grow and excel both on and off the court.  

Senior Girls

The Senior Girls team had an unforgettable experience participating at the Queensland Senior Schools Cup Volleyball tournament this month. Despite placing seventh, I believe I can speak on behalf of the team when I say that throughout the weekend, we took away many invaluable memories and lessons that transcend mere scores and standings.  

Our team displayed exceptional unity and unwavering support for one another, celebrating the small victories and lifting each other up in moments of challenge. Cheering for each other during every skillful play, whether it be executing a great serve or delivering a perfect pass. Equally as important, we maintained our support and encouragement even after losing a point. Our strong camaraderie and enthusiasm fueled our positive team spirit and motivation, reinforcing the idea that a united team is far more formidable than individual talent alone.  

We would also like to extend our heartful gratitude to our amazing coaches, Issy and Paris. Your dedication, guidance, and support have certainly not gone unnoticed and have been instrumental in the team's development. As we move forward, your impact will continue to resonate with us as we strive to grow and excel both on and off the court.  

By Jemma Studdon 

Senior Boys

Alongside the girls, the Year 11s, a select few Year 10 Boys competed in the Senior Schools Cup, ultimately placing fourth. All players came home exhausted after fighting hard over the three-day tournament.  

Our first match on Saturday was filled with nerves and unfortunately we lost 2 to 1 to Brisbane State High School which immediately knocked us out of the winner's bracket. However, we quickly recovered and went undefeated against the rest of the competition, even against King's Christian College, who went on to place first in our division. Eventually finding ourselves in the match for bronze, our nerves from Game 1 returned and lost us third place with the win to St Laurence by only five points.  

Every player came home having played their best and was satisfied with their performance. Small yet outstanding moments such as Cameron's perfect head receive, added on to our consistently dominant performance throughout the middle of the tournament. Our team shined in consistency and minimal playmaking error, which defined our strength throughout the competition.

Gratitude must be given to all involved in the organisation of Somerset's participation at the SSC. First and foremost, to Mr and Mrs Grocott, who trained us for the competition, Mr Robinson, who secured so many opportunities for us to train in the indoor courts and Ms McKenna, who facilitated and supported the entire event. Of course, we cannot forget the incredible parents who supported us through the events and finally the other Somerset friends who came to support us in our games. Finally, Harry and Emma, who continue to train us in strength and conditioning. We appreciate all of your work more than you know and we are ready and excited for what next year brings for Volleyball at Somerset. 

By Jaden Lee 

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