Three Somerset College Volleyball teams recently participated in the Senior Schools Cup tournament, showcasing their talent and determination. The tournament, held on the Gold Coast, had 326 teams from 157 schools from all over the state competing. 

Year 12 Girls

The Year 12 Girls’ team displayed exceptional teamwork and skill, securing the bronze medal. Their consistent performance throughout the tournament earned them a well-deserved spot on the podium. Their improvement over the past year has been exceptional as some of the Year 10 and 11 students playing in this team will return next year for another try at gold.

Year 11 Boys

The Year 11 Boys’ team competed fiercely in the top division (Honours Division) topping their pool on day one and beating the team from volleyball powerhouse, Craigslea Volleyball Academy, 3-nil. The Boys fought hard on day two with results putting them in medal contention. Despite a valiant effort, they narrowly missed out on the bronze medal, losing a thrilling fifth-set match with a score of 17 to 15.

Year 11 Girls

The Year 11 team at Somerset College, displayed commendable performance in the Senior Schools Cup Volleyball tournament. While they narrowly missed out on a medal, their dedication and teamwork were evident throughout the competition.

Overall, Somerset College demonstrated sportsmanship, resilience, and dedication, making their mark in the Senior Schools Cup Volleyball tournament. Congratulations to all the players. A massive thank you to Dane Robinson and the sports department for making this happen and to Issy Garland and Anais Ereaut for doing an amazing job preparing the teams in the lead up to the event as well as their expert coaching over the course of the weekend.

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