As we finalised our Human Migration and how early ancient civilisations were created, we decided to have a bit of fun.

Martin our Chef made a huge batch of shortbread dough to form ‘Clay Tablets’ and we used the ‘wedge’ to write our very own cuneiform messages on the ‘clay’. What was even better, we got to enjoy it, once it was cooked.

First week back at school this term we were able to reap the benefits of our hard work last term and be treated to the viewing of our ‘History Mystery’ documentaries. Each of the five classes were treated to a ‘Red Carpet’ entry with each winning group receiving an Oscar Award!

The ‘History Mysteries’ were sealed in brown envelopes and then groups of 5 students were organised into roles to research and produce a two-min documentary to present on their own ‘News Break’ TV studio programme.

The cohort were delighted to see their peers in a presenting role based on the following historical mysteries around the world:

  1. Stone Henge
  2. The Nazca Lines 
  3. Moai statues on Easter Island
  4. Mungo Man
  5. Otzi
  6. The Yonaguni Monument

I wonder what Ancient Egypt holds this term?

Photographer-Charlotte Daniel 7.4

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