Kinaesthetic or tactile learners thrive by physically touching and trying things to learn concepts. The integration of tactile learning styles into digital design classes offers a multitude of benefits. It engages students, enhances memory retention, fosters creativity, promotes inclusivity, and prepares students for real-world applications. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, educational strategies that embrace tactile learning will be instrumental in shaping the next generation of digital designers.

At Somerset College students studying design experience the integration of tactile learning methodologies into the delivery of curriculum. This pedagogical strategy not only aligns with diverse learning preferences but also enhances cognitive processes, leading to a more profound and enduring understanding of design principles.

In Digital Design classes, this translates to students wiring up electrical circuits, testing robots that draw on differing surfaces and flying the Tello Drones in a controlled environment. This engagement promotes active learning, as students are not mere spectators but participants in the creative process.

The tactile approach capitalises on the multisensory experiences to bolster memory retention. When students physically interact with design elements, they create muscle memory and associations that aid in recalling information. This is particularly beneficial in mastering complex software tools and design techniques that are the foundation needed to create digital solutions.

This freedom to experiment fosters innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, essential attributes for aspiring designers. Incorporating tactile learning caters to diverse learning needs, making digital design education more inclusive. Students with different learning styles, including those who may struggle with traditional instructional methods, can find success through tactile experiences. This inclusivity ensures that all students have the opportunity to excel in Digital Design.

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