Although our genes influence about 50 per cent of the variation in our personal happiness, our circumstances (like income and environment) affect only about 10 per cent. As much as 40 per cent is accounted for by our daily activities and the conscious choices we make.

The good news is, our actions really can make a difference!

“Action may not bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” – Benjamin Disraeli

The following evidence-based action themes are key to building personal happiness or wellbeing (NEF, 2008):

  • Notice – be mindful, be here, be curious, have gratitude, savour small moments
  • Move – walk, run, dance, play…. Just keep your body moving
  • Connect – Smile, say hello, stay in touch, meet new people
  • Learn – Keep learning, try new things, share your ideas and skills
  • Give – Give others your time, attention, support, love or kindness

Think about what you are already doing, what you might like to do more of and how you might integrate some of these intentional activities into your everyday life. Try to do things that make you feel joy, as that way you will be more likely to stick to it!

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