Wordsmiths members have recently penned sparks into poetry and let our creativity run wild. This year, our annual Wordsmiths retreat looked a little different at the Gold Coast Recreational Centre – as all our storytellers, singers and poets were treated to workshops from our Year 12 Leaders, Dr Brohier, Mr Walther, and Ms Lee, ranging from crafting comic-strips to exploring surrealism through poetry.

The Wordsmiths club showcased their incredible talents at the performance night at the end of the retreat. Some highlights included songs from our talented singer-songwriters Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds and Bella Beer, surrealist stories from Sam Davies and the finale of a five-year series of colour-based poetry from Emmeline Anthony.

The following Tuesday saw Wordsmiths come together to participate in the national Write A Book in a Day challenge for The Kids’ Cancer Project. Fuelled by lollies and laughter, all members worked to write and illustrate ten books for children with cancer across Australia. The initiative raised $2800, and we are grateful for the support of our Somerset community who could make this happen.

A huge thank you to Dr Brohier for his steadfast leadership in making these opportunities available for the Wordsmiths Club!


In the heat of Term One, Wordsmiths gather near, 
Starting with a memory box, tales laid bare.
Old lipstick, a lost bouquet, whispers sincere,
Mingling stories warmly fill the air.

April brings Storyfest, bright banners unfurl,
Doing protocol, authors narratives blend,
And Gran Slam creates a poetic swirl,
As voices and visions transcend.

By Term Two’s chill, music takes flight,
Inspired by songs that blend and soar.
Melodies and rhythms dance as we write,
Crafting harmonies and poems that we adore.

In pensive August we are led to the Retreat,
Where quiet and calm spark creative streams.
In tranquil corners, and busy chatter our ideas meet,
We weave our fantasies and our dreams.

Term Three challenges us with a grand quest,
To write a book in a single day.
In ten hours of passion, we give our best,
Stories and worlds take shape and play.

Thus, the Wordsmiths’ year spins on in cheer,
From memory’s box to the book’s last line.
In every session, every moment clear,
We craft our tales and thoughts align.

To see a World in a grain of sand,
And a Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
And Eternity in an hour

- William Blake

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