The Year 10 Geographers visited the Nerang River this term, to learn all about the river course and its features. 

Alongside Ms Phillips and Mr Evans, we made our way to Natural Bridge and followed the river downstream to Bochow Park, Hinze Dam, Latimer’s Crossing and Nerang. Our main focus was to gather data and experience the curriculum in a real-life setting to assist us with writing our field report. 

We measured things like the velocity of the stream, the type and size of rocks in the pools and ripples, the gradient of the river and the width and wetted perimeter of the river. Not only were we able to learn lots more about our unit of study on river systems and human impacts by visually consolidating the content we have learnt, we also got to experience this day with our peers in a fun and supportive environment. It was especially helpful as throughout the day we got to collaborate with our classmates to collate and record data, strengthening both our relationships with our peers and our understanding of our current unit of study in a way which seemed like a fun day out with friends.

We think we can all agree it was worth getting our feet wet in the river for a delicious ice cream and lunch at the Hinze Cafe afterwards! This excursion has definitely been the highlight of Year 10 Geography, and we cannot wait to continue this subject into Years 11 and 12.

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