As part of our wellbeing programme, on Tuesday last, Year 7 students were given an inspiring talk by Keneti Galo of 2Exhale. Mr Galo tried to show us that the resources that we each hold inside can help us to become the best possible version of ourselves.

To do this, Mr Galo supplied us with important principles to follow as we grow up. One of his main points was that being yourself is enough. People don’t need to be more than who they are. This is an important message, especially for the young.

Mr Galo discussed important issues such as suicide in a down-to-earth way. For example, did you know that eight people commit suicide every day in Australia? I certainly didn’t. Such a shocking statistic needs to be reduced. We realised that this is why many schools now have a wellbeing programme; to equip us with life skills and coping mechanisms.

It wasn't all just theory, though. We also did some activities to demonstrate the effect of coping under pressure. My favourite activity involved trying to lift a cup, representing a student, out of a pit of acid. As Mr Galo yelled at the student team, his pressure on them caused them to fail. However, once he stopped the pressure, the team communicated and was able to lift the cup out. The activity taught us that negative pressure is not OK.

Thank you, Mr Galo!

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