The QUT Vice-Chancellor's science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) camp provides high-achieving Year 11 students with an exciting opportunity to attend an interactive, five-day camp and engage in solving some of the major challenges facing our society and planet today. Students will take advantage of our unique learning environment and have an opportunity to experience ground-breaking research as it happens, inside our world-class research facilities.

This year, Kevin Song, was successful with his application to attend the QUT STEM camp. In his words:

Kevin Song, was successful with his application to attend the QUT STEM camp in 2018

I was given the opportunity to explore research around bio-fabrication and medical engineering. Our project involved 3D printing of a viable scaffold that would repair a fracture to the scull using different types of medical imaging. It was a valuable experience and I learnt a lot.

The camp is free to attend. Applications for the 2019 camp will open in April 2019. Information will be posted to Schoolbox.

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