The Lower junior Athletics carnival was held on Thursday 27 July on our stunning tartan 10 lane track. How fortunate our students are to have the opportunity to experience this wonderful athletics facility.

The future of these young Pre–prep to Year 2 athletes begins now, with the love, passion and enthusiasm for being fit and healthy, and finding enjoyment in these special carnival days.

The day began with the group health hustle and warm up to Let’s Go, by Calvin Harris. Thank you to Alana Walsh for assisting with the instruction of the choreographed routine for all of the students to dance together, putting on a bright and colourful display.

Students all participated in a variety of events including the 80m sprint race, egg and spoon race, sack race and ball games. The focus was on participation and fun.

Veivers were the champions this year for the trophy, which is awarded annually in the spirit of carnival competition.

Big thank yous to Elliot Roberts, Alana Walsh and our entire cohort of Pre-Prep to Year 2 teachers, who have been involved in various duties directed towards the success of the carnival.

Thanks also goes to our behind the scenes sports department, gappies, maintenance team and cleaners for all of the work that is done to set up and provide the outstanding facility for our special day with the little ones.

Thank you all and well done to all of our little champions.

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