Somerset Chess is back up and running with our co-curricular lessons in the Junior School running each day along with the following opportunities for all students to play at lunch time.
Year 1 and 2: Monday, Wednesday, Friday in Year 1 classrooms
Year 3 to 6: Monday and Tuesday in the Chess Room (above KIP)
We also have a Friday afternoon club which is open to all students in Years 1 through 12. This club runs from 3.30pm to 5.30pm every Friday and involves five tournament games. Informal coaching is given between games by experienced Gardiner Chess coaches. To register for this, please follow these steps:
Year 1 to 3: Register via The Hub and select Chess as the activity
Year 4 to 12: Register HERE.
Over the past few weeks Somerset students have been performing well in external activities. The Cookies Rapids for February saw a number of students taking part and performing well. Top performer was our Chess Captain, Jared Consiglio-Cockle who finished =third overall, whilst Paul Sang Yum and Harrison Qu were =third in Rating Group A and William Zhao won the unrated division!
On Saturday two students, Oscar Credland-Ballantyne and Paul Sang Yum took part in a simultaneous exhibition held by the Gold Coast Chess Club where Grandmaster Moulthun Ly was taking on 19 players at once (he won all 19). Both students performed well with Oscar being the last player still battling away at the end.
Upcoming Events
Cookies Chess Rapids: Saturday 19 March (best for rated players and those pushing hard to get one)
Gold Coast Primary Inter-School – Hinterland Zone: Tuesday 22 March (invited students only due to participation caps)
Gold Coast Secondary Inter-School: Wednesday 23 March (open to all secondary players)
Gold Coast Junior Masters: Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 March (for players over QJ800)
Gold Coast One Day Challenge: Sunday 27 March (for players under QJ800)
Gold Coast Junior Rapid: Sunday 3 April (for all Junior players)
Queensland Reserves Championships: Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 April
Gardiner Chess Holiday Program: Monday 11 to Wednesday 13 April
Gardiner Chess Easter Cup: Thursday 14 April
Cookies Chess Rapids: Saturday 23 April
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