On Friday 15 February Pre-Prep friends chatted at our morning circle time with anticipation about some visitors from an aged care facility due later in the morning. We wondered about what they would like to do when they visited us, run on the oval or look at some books?

Sohan suggested we could make all of our visitors a cup of tea but after discussion about hot drinks he thought maybe a glass of cold water would be better.

At 10.00am, residents from Ozcare arrived and settled before some introductions. The Pre-Preps had the opportunity to interact with our visitors and they were so caring and welcoming, explaining our routines and sharing some books and puzzles. We sang some songs together and before it was time to say goodbye our Pre-Preps organised themselves for morning tea. Our visitors were amazed at the beautiful lunchboxes and varied selections, recounting their experiences taking lunch to school in a brown paper bag with one or two items.

As our visitors left, they complimented the Pre-Preps on their wonderful manners and many commented on the joy the morning had brought them.

The connection between the generations was certainly a positive experience for all involved and we plan to continue these visits on a regular basis.

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