In an era of fake news it is difficult for students to know which sources to trust. The internet is awash with questionable information and developing independent research skills is critical for wading through the rising sea of information.

We have specially curated a selection of digital resources to support students in developing independent research skills. The best place to start is the Library catalogue where students are able to explore a variety of topics knowing that the content they are accessing is academically trusted across the world.

The full suite of eResources available to our students can be accessed from the Information Services page on Schoolbox. The site connects you to all of our database providers, all of which are easily accessed from the College. If you are researching from home then you will need to click on the Database Passwords link to login.

As the internet has brought about the ability to learn something from the palm of our hand it can be difficult to filter all of that information. There is a short video on the library site explaining how to search using the library catalogue, locating eResources and how to interact with the different Databases. Students are also able to book one-on-one Research Appointments from this site.

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