Part of the Senior School was transformed into an ‘Egyptian Arena’ by the Year 7 cohort this week. The Four Great Pharaohs had their subjects bowing to the Gods for prosperity and good fortune.

The students dressed for the occasion in ancient Egyptian clothing and presented their artefacts to the ‘Pharaohs’ before displaying them in the ‘Museum of Antiquities’. The standard of models was very high this year and every student put a lot of creative thought into these and their costume designs.

The Ancient Egyptian games, clay amulets stamped with hieroglyphs and viewing the documentary on how they used the cubit unit of measure were enjoyed by all. The chocolate pyramids made by Chef Martin were also a hit.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for their support in both the models and costumes, the students looked amazing. I loved seeing and hearing about each and every one of their Ancient Egyptian creations!

A big ‘thank you’ to all staff who provided that ‘extra touch’ to ensure the day was a huge success. A special thank you to Gianni Restaino (Class of 2023) who presented a very informative session on his cultural heritage. As a staff it is so lovely to see past students wanting to come back and give back to the school in such a generous way.

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